We are writing to inform you of an opportunity for students to apply for a scholarship to attend the 2023 Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference in Kearney, Nebraska.
On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we honor the memories of the 2,403 service members and civilians whose lives were cut short on that tragic December morning.
There have been on-going discussions on the need to submit DNA for ALL Breeding Livestock and Feeder calves for the Nebraska State Fair and the Aksarben Stock Show.
A love for nursing and a desire to help young people prompted a Norfolk man to include a nursing scholarship at Northeast Community College in his estate planning.
The Teddy Bear Band is a fundraiser project organized by the SSCHS Band. Anyone of any age who is interested in having their teddy bear/ stuffed animal "play" with the band during their Holiday Concert, will need to fill out the attached form and turn in their $10 to Mr. Henderson.